Thursday, May 14, 2009

How I'm loosing weight and getting fit.

Two years ago, I was way too heavy for my 5-foot6-inch height, in my mind anyway, 154 pounds. My size 14 jeans were way too tight.

At the same time, my husband went into rehab for his lower back which went painfully out on a regular basis. While he was in his rehab session, I took a water aerobics class in deep water. I liked it but it didn't burn enough calories for me.

My husband finished his rehab session and started visiting the gym, using the weights, elliptical, tread mill and stair machines. We bought memberships. I was embarrassed at my assessment. I was given a three-day workout routine using the weight stations.

Over the course of a year, I gained fitness but my weight changed little. I tried not to feel discouraged. The supervisors told me muscle weighs more than fat, that what was happening was my muscles were developing as my fat was reducing, sort of an even trade. My weight came down about ten pounds. I fit a size 12 jeans but I wanted more.

A surprising side development for me was that my appetite was also reducing. I guess my stomach was shrinking. I started dropping weight, about a pound every month and a half. The gym supervisors told me that was the best pace: If you drop weight too fast (whether through drugs or a specialized food plan), once you stop, you'll gain it back real fast.

We renewed our membership and I kept working out. Burning more calories than I took in was my goal and I was doing pretty well, but boredom was beginning to set in. The supervisors said my muscles were getting used to the gym workouts. They suggested trying one of the aerobic classes.

Then fitness center initiated a water boot camp in the pool. I attended the first class and was hooked. It was the vigorous exercise I wanted. I tried land boot camp, then beginning yoga, pilates, and a step exercise class.

Over the next three months, my weight dropped into the high 130s. Now, my weight hovers around 136-137. Certrain styles if size 12 jeans are starting to fall off me. My goals is 130 pounds and I believe I'll do it.

Another positive result is I found relief for my irritable bowel syndrome. I eat about three-quarters of a cup of rice before every meal. This also has contributed to my weight reduction making me feel stuffed after small portions of protein, vegetable and starch.

So, if it can work for me, it can work for anyone, but it has to be at a slow and steady pace. To get into a hurry may show results in the short term. In the long term, the weight will come back.

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